Flexible JDBC Realm for Glassfish

Approximately three years a go I started the development of a simple JDBC based security realm for Glassfish. The reason was that I was migrating from JBoss to glassfish and was running into problems with one application. That application simpy stored authentication data (user, group, password digests) into a database. I had been relying on a simple configuration for this on JBoss but ran into limitations of JDBCRealm on Glassfish. Therefore, I made my own realm. It is now being used at several places already. With version 1.1 I consider this security realm feature complete. More info is at the web site.

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4 Responses to Flexible JDBC Realm for Glassfish

  1. Abdulquadri says:


    You have come with good alternative. But the documentation you have on that site is nothing useful. Maybe the solution is for those who already know what to do in which case they will not use your solution anyway.

    I think you should write a complete tutorial of how exactly to use this realm.


  2. Erik Brakkee says:

    Thanks for your feedback. I have been considering making a simple complete example/tutorial for some time now and I think it would indeed be useful. Also I have been thinking about some more detailed explanation of the configuration parameters (more background).

    Do you have any particular questions about the documentation at this moment?

  3. Scott says:

    The thing that would help in any tutorial would be details on the password encryption -how to setup an encrypted column in say mySQL, what algorithms are setup in the flex xml, etc

  4. Moo says:

    I found the Flexible JDBC Realm software today and it looks like it does what I need, but the documentation isn’t clear. A working example would be brilliant. I’m not going to let that deter me though, I’m going to have a good go at getting it working.

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