
This is my personal blog site. I blog about all kinds of topics like devops, kubernetes, machine learning an data science, software, linux, hardware, mountainbiking, politics, and all the other things not in this list. I regularly develop in different languages. Currently these are python, R, bash, groovy, and some Java. This used to be the other way around, using mainly Java, but getting to know other languages is a good thing and I now consider Java only suitable for some applications and python is now my favourite. Just use the right tool for the job.

Currently my hot topic is migrating my old VM based setup to kubernetes and this is exciting. Lots of things to learn and experiment with. Lots of software to write and interesting ideas on architecting stuff on kubernetes.

Feel free to visit any of my other sites:


I am very much interested into new technologies and trying to keep up with technology costs me many hours a week outside of the regular working hours. My current focus is on kubernetes, cloud technology, and machine learning and then mainly how it all should come together. The vehicle for experimenting with and for applying all this is my fabulous home server.

I am always painfully aware of all the things I don’t know. As a result of this I buy a lot of books because books are in my opinion the most efficient way to get ‘into’ something quickly. Over the years I have collected quite a lot of books and I am now at the stage where the space is running out and I might start calling it a library.
